Here are the stats:
Height: 26 inches 33%
Weight: 18 lbs 8 oz 68%
Head: 69%
He's huge!
His silly pose!
Tradition lives on! Over President's Day we traveled with my family down to St. George. We started this tradition last year. I was teaching and antsy to get out of the snow, so we all went to St. George, rented a house and just played. This year was so nice since I wasn't pregnant (sorry Kimber) and we could enjoy little Austin.
We went biking
We swam in a nice heated pool. It was 65 degrees outside and 90 degrees in the pool! Austin LOVED the pool. He just kicked and kicked and smiled. We will definitely be doing some swimming this summer.
Austin loved being with his Grandpa
..and Grandma and Cousin Jaden
Has anyone heard of the game Hilarium?? It's hilarious! We played this one over and over. (Sarah I love the monkey gestures)
We stayed up late, ate lots of yummy food, got killer deals at the outlet stores, and enjoyed the SUN! I can't wait till next year!!
Holy cow it's a mini Daron!
Looks like a great time. Austin is sooo cute! We go in tomorrow for Izzie's 6 month appointment too. :)
So fun Lisa! I'm glad I could see how you and Daron - and your BABY! are doing!
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