Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I can't believe it's already been a month since Austin was born. How time flies!! Here are just a few reasons why we love him so much.

This is Austin after a bath. His hair is totally crazy. He reminds me of those 80s rockers.

Every once in a while he will smile. I don't think he knows he's smiling yet. I love those smiles!

He is so cute when he sleeps. He is doing better at night. I usually get a 4 hour chunk of sleep an then it's every two hours.

His cry is so cute! He really doesn't cry too much. He grunts all the time which is pretty funny. People think he is "filling his pants" but no he's just grunting. This is him wanting food. When he wants food he wants food. As you can see his face turns red and his cheeks expand.

What can I say? He makes us laugh!

The sweetest face in the world!!

He is growing up so fast. It's fun to see the new things that he does daily. We are loving this!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our Baby Story

This is the story of Austin Boyce Bergstrom. You may be wondering who this is since it is not one of the names that was up in the running for our baby boy. But once we saw him we couldn't call him any names that we had back to square one and then onto the right name....Introducing Austin Boyce Bergstrom.

Our story starts last Monday August 24th. I had my doctors appointment at 4:00 where I was told I was dialted to a 2 and thinned 80%. Pretty good. I also was having stronger contractions that day. I didn't think anyhting of it and we made plans to be induced on that Wednesday August 26th.
Austin had better plans. I was hoping that he would come on his own and he sure did. Monday night Daron and I got home from my sisters house and started preparing for a long night of contractions. We were starting an episode of the West Wing when all the sudden contractions began coming every 5 minutes. This happened so suddenly! The biggest fear for Daron and I was to be turned away from the hospital and having to come home. So we decided to stay home as long as possible. We didn't even get to the beginning of the episode. Daron was putting wet washcloths on my forehead, I was working on breathing, and crying at the same time. It hurt! Finally I couldn't handle it anymore and around 10:00 we headed to the hospital. That was the longest 15 minutes of my life.
After arriving, the nurse came with a wheelchair, rolled me up to a room, and they started the I ready??? They told me I was dilated to a 7!! No wonder I was in such pain. They gave me an epidural and got me all ready to go. By 2:00am I was pushing and little Austin didn't want to come down. So we waited and pushed again at 4:00am. The dr. decided that Austin would not make it through the birth canal. It was just too tight. We did more pushes and Austin's heart rate dropped once he was making his way down. This backed up the doctors thoughts and we went in for a c-section. I know it's a very long story but everything worked out just fine. Austin was born at 5:52 on August 25th. He weighed 7lbs 6 oz and 191/4 inches. He is the cutest thing in the world. We stayed in the hospital for the 4 days while I recuperated and while Austin kept getting stronger and stronger.

This is Daron changing Austin's diaper. Daron had a lot of practice doing this at the hospital.

Now we are home and trying to figure out a sleeping schedule. He hasn't done very well. He just wants to stay awake and play. So I would love any advice on how you get your little ones sleeping.

Sunday morning...time for mom to sleep and dad to take care of Austin.

Wide-eyed baby while we were putting on the bumpers.

Cute Dad loves his baby boy!
More pictures and exciting adventures of our little boy coming soon!