Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Missing the Moose

This was almost our car.

Last weekend, Me, Lisa, Kimber, and Kyle were driving from Fruit Heights, UT to Carter Creek, UT (HAFB) by way of Evanston, Wyoming, to meet the Barlow family. When I noticed that it was starting to get dark, the following thoughts started going through my mind as I was driving:

Q: Where are you?
A: In Wyoming, the middle of nowhere.

Q: Is it dusk?
A: Yes.

Q: What often happens when it gets dark in the middle of nowhere Wyoming?
A: Big game (Deer, Elk, Moose) begin to come down out of the hills and possibly come onto the road.

After this series of thoughts, I felt like I needed to put my glasses on and drive a little slower. This turned out to be a greatfully heeded prompting, as a big bull moose ran out in the middle of the road. I slammed on my brakes and skidded into the oncoming traffic lane, but there weren't any cars that were coming. The moose followed us into the other lane and finally stopped when after we had come to a complete stop.

After letting our heartbeats return to normal we then were able to drive past the big bad moose and continue to the campground with no harm to the four of us or the car. It was definitely a blessing!

This is our moose's twin that I found online since none of us had a camera at the time.


Deidra said...

Those are always such scary moments. I'm glad you guys were alright! (I mean, where else would we stay Thursday night if you had been hurt?!) We can't wait to see you guys... okay, I really can't wait to see Chris, but I know in seeing Chris, I also get to see you guys!

Zanny said...

Oh man! I'm so glad you are ok! It would have ruined my day if you had died! Ha ha! Seriously, it's a blessing you heeded that prompting.

Josh and Jay said...

You should have gotten out and done the crocidile dundee move. Do you know what I mean?

Amanda B. said...

Fun to see you at the shower, Lisa! Love the blog- looks like you had a great summer! I emailed you an invite to our blog so hopefully you'll get it!

Todd and Melissa said...

Wow! That's a totally crazy story! I'm glad I asked if you had a blog. This will be fun!

P.S. Work on your sisters to do blogs too! :)

Shelleen said...

Those are some impressive pictures. I tagged you Lisa.

Maren and Blake said...

I love the moose in the middle of the road. It looks like you guys are doing well. Where are you guys living and working now?

McMillan Family said...

Hey you guys I found you through Todd and Melissa. How are you guys?