Friday, April 2, 2010

My Mom

I have the greatest mom. Yesterday was her birthday. I remember growing up and making the most bizarre cakes for her (since it's April fools day). We would put water balloons in a cake pan and then frost them with chocolate frosting. As you can imagine it was very lumpy and rolly. But no, we thought were were the coolest people ever for thinking of such an idea. Mom would never find out right? How about when we put cardboard in the cake and then made it seem like this was definitely a normal cake. And finally, when we made a cake that tasted disgusting and served it to her and everything, just waiting for her to say something....but no she was too sweet. I think we had to keep asking her if it tasted okay. Oh mom, what we put you through on your birthday!
My mom is definitely the coolest. She loved it when we had friends over. When I was dating Daron, he would call my mom just to talk. My mom has a way with people. I think she get's it from her dad. My grandpa would stop and talk to anyone, where ever we were. She is kind of like that. She is very easy to get a long with.
As you can see she LOVES her grandchildren. She spoils them so much. There are always smiles when grandma is around.

Lastly, my mom and dad go on a vacation every year, just the two of them. I love that. My parents love to spend time together and just talk. My mom tells me many times that my dad is her best friend. What a good example she is to me and Daron.
We love you lots mom!!

Just because...Here are recent pictures of Austin. He is 7 months old and I can see crawling in the near future.

He sits up really well.

Smiles in his cute sunday outfit

1 comment:

Anna said...

Cute pics! Next to you Austin looks dark & next to Daron he looks pretty white! Funny!