I go shopping once a week for groceries. Austin of course comes with me, and is usually in his car seat. Sometimes he's covered and sleeping, sometimes he's wide awake playing with toys. But, no matter what, it seems that some random stranger will want to look at him. Yes, some even lift up the blanket. At first it freaked me out. Okay, it still freaks me out. Most people wait until I lift the blanket up and then they look in and their comments begin. "Oh what a cute baby!", " She is so cute!" To which I just respond, Thank you. What am I supposed to say? "Can't you tell by his BLUE outfit that he is a boy?" Apparently not, so I just don't go there.
Also, when Austin was sick a few months ago we went to see an on call doctor. When he first looked at Austin he said, "You're so cute you could be a girl." Daron still doesn't know how he feels about that one. I just think to myself, it must be the hair.