Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fun Fall!

Okay these past few months have seriously flown by.  Is it really almost Thanksgiving!? What?  Here, at the Bergstrom household, we have had so much fun these past few months.  So once again, here is a whirlwind of pictures. 

At the end of September we were able to go up to Powder Mountain with my family.  My parents got a great deal on a condo.  We went up for the weekend.  It was the PERFECT time to go.  The leaves were changing and the weather was absolutely perfect!  We swam, went on walks, played games, watched movies, ate way too much.  It was so much fun.

Can you believe there is a little baby in that wrap!

 This is Austin talking to Grandpa out on the deck.  He loved to look at the view and chat.  His conversations usually begin with, "Tell me about your day." 

The next week, Daron and I were able to leave the kiddos and go to Park City!  It was so much fun!  We felt guilty leaving the kids at first, but about 10 minutes into our drive up there we were all smiles :)

Our good friends Josh and Jay were also able to get the time off and spend the weekend up in Park City with us.  Our first stop was the Alpine slides and coaster.  We bought a day pass.  Even though it was pricey, it was well worth it.

This is us going up the coaster.  Josh told us not to use the brakes, so we didn't.  It was awesome!


 Jay and I got stuck behind some slow pokes on the Alpine Slide.  This picture shows Josh speeding past us while we are crawling along :(

We also rode our bikes on a beautiful trail.  We lucked out with perfect weather!

We went to the Salt Lake Olympics park.  I have never been there, and it was pretty awesome.  There were people practicing their ski jumps into a pool of water.  We stayed and watched for quite a while.  We saw all the memorabilia from the Olympic games. 
We also toured downtown Park City.  We ended up at Butchers.  It was a super nice restaurant with delicious food.  

What would a great weekend be without a trip to the outlet malls?  Jay and I went shopping, while the boys went golfing.  Perfect.
The rest of the time we were playing games, watching movies, soaking in the hot tub, it was great.

Our baby Joshie turned one on October 7th.  We love this little guy so much.  He has been the hardest baby, but once we found out he was allergic to wheat, life became a lot better.  He is a happier little boy.  Now, we hope he will out grow this, but time will tell.
Right now he has the cutest 4 teeth.  He has the best smile.  I could kiss him all day long :)


 Halloween was super fun.  We always have so much to do.  We go to my dad's work and get a TON of candy.  Then we go to Daron's work and get a TON of candy.  Little secret...I didn't buy any Halloween candy this year to hand out.  I just used the candy we got from those two work parties, and we still had a ton left over. 

Fun high school friends Halloween party.  I always look forward to this.  Daron and I were s'mores (thanks Jay for the idea).  Those are marshmallows on my head.  Right before our party, I was like "Hey, I need something on my head.  Something that resembles a marshmallow.  Hummm...How about a marshmallow?  Perfect."  Hence, the Marshmallows.    Thanks to everyone who puts up with our silly games. :)

Finally, our last goal for the year was to get our new stairs built.  Our wonderful neighbor Greg helped Daron out with this project.  It looks great.  I was out there staining it the day before we got a foot of snow!  Yay for goals completed!

New (old)  post below :)  (You know you want to read more!)

End of Summer Highlights

Let's start in August....

Austin's 3rd Birthday!  August 25th ( I know, waaaay behind!)
We went to Lagoon and rode the train probably 3 times.  It's his favorite thing EVER.  We went to Famous Dave's and he got his FREE ice cream and meal :)

 Daron and I share a birthday.  We are about a week after Austin.  We had a goal for this year to visit a National Park.  We were running out of time.  So on our birthday (Labor Day) we decided to venture up to Golden Spike National Park.  It's in Promontory, Utah.  Basically it's two trains, that sit there...and do nothing.  Well almost nothing.  They "toot" their horn, and move up and down the tracks.  Austin thought it was the coolest thing ever.  Yay! 

 The weather was just beautiful in September, that I decided for my birthday I wanted a bike.  I decided on a cruiser bike because: A) I don't ride up mountains   B) I hate riding hunched over  C) I feel like Anne of Green Gables :).  Done deal.  It was so fun to ride.  The boys loved it.  Although, we would get back home and find Josh nearly at the bottom of Austin's feet.

Austin started preschool!  YAY!  He takes it from these super old ladies up the road. They scared me at first, but I have come to the conclusion that if I had been teaching preschool for 25 years, I would be just as ornery!  Okay, they aren't terrible.  Just the older one of the two scares me a bit.  I still feel like a 3 year old in her presence.  Austin loves it though.  He is learning so much. 

We went to the Brigham City LDS Temple open house.  It was absolutely stunning.  Austin was super excited to go inside the temple.  He kept the pamphlet and kept showing us where we had been.

Austin played his first soccer games!!  He is so funny to watch.  He will run after all the boys and the ball and then tell other people to kick it.  He then will fall down (on purpose) and start laughing.  His coach is our neighbor and he was so good with the boys.  He is excited for spring!

Grandpa and Grandma Bergstrom were Austin's faithful fans.  As well as Aunt Katie and Uncle Chris.  Austin LOVES being the center of attention, so this was fun to see him in action!