Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Our Family of Four

I am so very blessed to have a wonderful family. I sure love my boys.
First, I need to introduce you to our cute little Joshie or I guess, Joshua Daron Bergstrom. He was born on October 7th at 8:03 am. He was 7 lbs 6 oz and 21 inches long. He has lots of dark hair (not as much as Austin did though).

I sure wish we got a picture of Austin and Josh, but whenever Austin was at the hospital he was running around.

Everything went great. It was a planned c-section, so the drive to the hospital was very relaxing for the most part. We signed in, they got me ready, and we were talking during the whole procedure. Crazy! We stayed for 3 nights in the hospital and then came home. I was, wait I am STILL so tired! Josh is not a good sleeper. He spits up all the time and wants to eat more. So after 4 exhausting weeks, we got him on some medicine which seem to help a little bit.

Austin sure loves his Joshie, every morning he walks out and asks, "Where my baby Josh go?" He is used to the idea of Josh with us all the time. Although, some days it's hard for him when I'm feeding Josh and he just wants me to play with him RIGHT NOW! That's why we got him this train. Yay for trains!

We had a great Halloween. Austin absolutely loved it!! We went to my Dad's work and get a TON of candy, then we went to Daron's work and received even more candy, and then we went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood and received more! Austin was in heaven.

Austin loved his Elmo costume. Cute Kezzie was a troll, and Jaden was Spiderman (with fake muscles and everything!)

I sure love these boys (and I love the one that took this picture too :)


Brittney Richards said...

Congratulations guys!! He's a cute boy. Got to love all that hair.

Deidra said...

Josh looks a lot like Austin to me. Which means he's adorable! So cute and snuggly perfect.

Amanda B. said...

Wow, Josh is such a beautiful baby!!! I think he looks a lot like Austin.

I hear you about the planned c-section....kind of weird that the doctor's are all relaxed and chatting like it's no big deal, and you are laying there thinking, "Um, I"m having a BABY here!"

Hope your recovery went well. Sorry about the lack of sleep. That is TOUGH!

Love your family of 4. Congrats!

Katie said...

Love my adorable little nephews! It's been fun getting to know that cute little Joshua!

Cami said...

What a cute baby! Congrats! We'll be having a boy in May