We had a family party for him. It was supposed to be held at our cute park close by. I had all these great games planned for the little kids, and big kids, but of course we had a freak summer storm. So, my wonderful games were bypassed and we scrunched into our house and tried to party that way. It all worked out. We even attempted the pinata during a break in the storm.
When I went to pick out the pinata I tried to think of something that Austin would like, and recognize. I found a cute little doggy. Austin loves dogs. I somehow forgot that we would be smashing the heck out of that dog. Austin just kept smiling at the dog, wondering why in the world I wanted him to hit it with the bat. Oooops..
All in anticipation of the candy to drop...
Austin got spoiled! Thanks to all that came and helped with that.
The cake. I was imagining Austin "going at it." We all started singing to him. If you can imagine 25 people singing and staring at you, you would probably do what Austin did....he cried. It was sad, but once I gave him the cake he was a little better.
On his real birthday, Austin and I were able to play all day long. We did whatever he wanted to do. Like open and close the cupboards, climb the stairs, throw toys, go on a walk, took a long nap, and played with the neighbor girls (who adore him!!) I had a Young Womens event that evening, so Daron took care of Austin. As you can see below, he experienced his first happy meal.
He is so big and so fun. I am amazed at how fast he picks up on things.
He now says:
nana = Banana
baba= Bottle
ba= Ball
dada= dad
datu= Thank You
Num num= anything edible
And he can sign "all done"
I'm still waiting for him to say "mama". He will say it on occasion if he is mad. Hummm...
The stats:
21 pounds (20%) I know! I totally thought he was huge! I guess I should feed him more happy meals.
29" (40%)
And a large head...still.
We love him!