This is my Nephew Jaden. My dad was in charge of getting the two grand kids their gifts. If any of you know my dad then you would know that he is very much a computer guy. So, Jaden and Austin received their first laptops. This is Jaden playing with his. Cute boy!
On Christmas we went over to the Bergstroms. Where we, once again, had yummy food and opened presents. Austin truly got spoiled this year. For some reason pictures are not downloading into this blog. So I will have to get more later.
On December 25 not only did we celebrate Christmas, but Austin turned 4 months old! We had so much fun with him during this holiday season. He has grown so much and we are loving the changes that happen. The stats for this month are:
Weight: 16 lbs (80%)
Length: 24.5 (40%)
Head: Big (90%)
4 Months Old:
Once I can figure out why the pictures aren't downloading I will post a video that I took of Austin moving around. He is so close to rolling over. He found out though, that if he is to arch is back and move his legs real fast that he can move in circles on his back. He is hilarious to watch. I have to keep moving him back to where he started and then he just moves around again. What a fun little boy.
We also had tons of fun with our annual high school friends reunion at our home, and a night of games on New Years at the Bergstroms. We loved getting together with so many people this season and catching up.
Happy New Year to you all!!
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