Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So I thought everyone would enjoy that little throwback to the 90s. And to make it even more exciting it's true! And Lisa is the cheese! Or should I say the cheese is Lisa! And we even have a name for our little cheese: Colby Jack!

So that's our news. Cheese half ink a hot dog!

Here's our little hot dog as of today...

...sleeping soundly with what appears to be a full stomach :)

And here's mom to fill in some of the details that I most certainly have left out.

This is Lisa now...We have waited to post a blog till we knew what it was. We have a little boy not a hot dog on the way. The due date is August 22nd! We are very excited and I hope he has a potbelly just like his dad:) (see picture above).


Deidra said...

Was it all the practicing Daron did in his friends' garages?

Deidra said...

(And good thing you made this announcement today, because no one would believe you if it was tomorrow...)

Zanny said...

Congratulations! Yay for you guys! I totally remember that episode, too - like the part when Becky serves Jesse baby back ribs, baby carrots, and baby corn to try to get him to guess she's pregnant. Congrats again!

Anna said...

Even if it was April Fools' Day... I would have believed you! Congrats again! We're so excited for you!

Kelly A. said...

SOOOOOOOOO excited for you!!!! I was thrilled when I got your message today! CONGRATS a million times over!! And I want to throw you a shower, so you can just plan on it :)

Amanda B. said...

Congrats! We are so happy for you both. How are you feeling, Lisa?

chartie said...

rockety rock on! Congrats, you two!

Kandyce said...

Congrats guys! That's amazing!!

Addie May said...

Congrats you guys! What a wonderful thing. Lisa, you are pretty far along, I hope you've been feeling well! He will be so, so cute! I like his pot belly too :)

McMillan Family said...

Congrats we are so excited for you guys. We love boys at our house. Your little guy is going to have so much fun with Sara's little guy.
can't wait to see you guys at the easter picnic.

Todd and Melissa said...

Yay! We've been waiting for this post! Someone might have spilled the beans a while ago. :)

Hope you're doing good and that all is well!

AZTattooGirl said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys!

Kara & Jacob Maughan said...

I'm so glad you found me! Congrats on your little guy kids are so much fun (waking up at 2am constantly for 4 months and all)...hahaha! No, they truly are such a blessing! How cool for you guys! We definitely need to get together. I saw Kelly last September for an hour or so and it was really good to see her, hope we can all get together soon!

Brittney said...

Woohoo! This baby is a very big deal. We are thrilled!! Well, I'm sure Danilo will be too the next time I get a chance to talk to him today.

Hannah Neville McMillan said...

so I stumble on your blog and what do I find out??!!? CONGRATS!!!!!!! sooo exciting! ;)

Jordan Frazier said...

Hi Guys! I can't believe i am just now finding your blog...i know, where have i been??
Congrats to you guys! I am happy for you both! (i am going to add you to my list..i want to keep in touch)