Deidra was able to give Daron and me a private tour of the Capitol. It was so cool to see the places where history has been made. My favorite part of the Capitol was the old Supreme Court room where Marbury v Madison and other great cases were held.
You can see the monument behind us. We were going to rent some paddle boats and go around this lake, but we decided why pay for something that is going to make our legs sore and tired???
We walked up 99 stairs (yes Daron counted them) to get to the top of the Old Post Office. This is the view at the top!
Cute Daron in front of the White House. He was a bit disappointed with the size of the White House. He said "They make it look bigger on the TV show the West Wing."
High School reunion at the Temple. As you can tell Shaun was very excited.
We couldn't help ourselves!
We went to Mt Vernon which was amazing. Next time we will plan for more time there. It was a really hot day, but well worth the effort of going. Daron and I decided no matter how much deodorant we used, we'd be coming home sweating anyway. Darn humidity.
Deidra and Chris made a wonderful 4th of July breakfast. We were truly spoiled while staying with them. This is two years in a row we've been with the Hartwells on the 4th. Let's continue the tradition!
Capitol Hill was packed!! We had to get a stamp in case we left the area and wanted to come back in. We felt like celebrities when all these people wanted to get in and the police wouldn't let them, then we came up, showed them our stamp and they parted the way to let us through! We really are cool.
We were able to watch the concert right before they did the fireworks. It felt so patriotic being there on Capitol Hill with hundreds of people waving their flags. I love the USA!!